Today We Honor Fathers ~ Two Chances at Life

Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? Hebrews 12:9

A short, yet profound message I have for us today…a little nugget to slip into the pocket of our heart, treasured and held for the days we need it most.

Here it is:

We all get two chances at life. The first chance, we are the child. We have no say in the situation. We did not choose our parents. We are simply the recipient (in fact the victim) of whatever life they choose to live. If our Father or Mother leaves, or hurts us or hurts others, we can do nothing about it. If our Mother is loving and tender and forgiving and our Father gentle and protective, we are blessed beyond words; yet we have nothing to do with that either. We are the child, remember.

The second chance at life comes when we have our own children. Now, we call all the shots. We make all the choices. We determine the quality of their first chance, and we determine our own eternal destination. The choices we make in our second chance at life cannot ever be excused away as the results of our early childhood experiences when we take this nugget out and really examine it.

As adults, we are responsible to be the very best we can possible be right now in this moment. Many others are watching us and the little ones are learning from our behavior. Shall we not much rather be in subjection to the Father of Spirits and live? It will be worth the effort to do what is right on our second chance at life and attain that Great Reward from a God who may say, “Well done, thou Good and Faithful servant, enter ye into the Joy of the Lord.”

Happy Father’s Day!

Marthalee is a writer, teacher, Grandma and friend. Any wisdom or insight shared on this blog or in her books is credited to Jesus and the life experience He allows. Do enjoy these humble offerings, and may your time on Earth be blessed and enriched. God is Love. Share it and Him at every open door.

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