Here lies a word portrait, painting the sound and sensation of the swelling swish of wind in tall evergreens. Beginning as a whisper from some direction unknown one almost discerns a large truck approaching. Immediately, however, eyes and ears turn skyward identifying the sound by movement in the branches. Here it surges, there it fades sometimes whipping the tree tops; other times bending them gracefully lower. Dramatically swells the wind on a sunny day as beams of light fight their straight way through the churning shadows creating dancing yellow splashes here and there; and the birds sing with delight. Like a surfer waiting for the perfect rise in the sea, these feathered angels call back and forth poised to meet each other on the crest of the next wind-swell. They must have a great time on days like this.
Power in the wind-swept trees thrills the human soul. At times the lull of a gently swaying pine portends quiet and an end to the gusts. Then, seemingly from nowhere, another pushing, pressing whisper becomes a roar and you can’t help but smile at the sky. Similar exhilaration happens when very fast race cars speed past your place in the stands; or when the finish of an Olympic run excites your admiration and you join in the roar and applause. Words fitly spoken or written also thrill those inclined to adore the gift of reason.
Regarding wind, there is a point where awe shifts to fear. When the whisper becomes a roar, and the very structures seem to bend with the onslaught, we feeble human things cower beneath this power; even if only for a second or two. One loud surge rumbles through a sound sleep in the early morning hours and we lie suddenly wide awake in a flash of wonder. Those who experience the dash to basement shelters as hurricanes threaten know this instant fear only too well. God can show us His dominion in many ways. Nevertheless, in my relatively safe domain, I can honestly say, “I love the wind in all its many manifestations!” Look up!
John 3:8
2 Samuel 22

Marthalee is a writer, teacher, Grandma and friend. Any wisdom or insight shared on this blog or in her books is credited to Jesus and the life experience He allows. Do enjoy these humble offerings, and may your time on Earth be blessed and enriched. God is Love. Share it and Him at every open door.

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