Spring is here (almost)

Embarrassing how hard it is sometimes for a writer to write! Everyday it seems words, ideas and duty flood my mind and the swelling seeks an outlet; yet issues of the day keep a plug in the dike of creativity.

That said, I welcome the season change. It has been a slow season change this year. The daffodils all came up and shuddered in the cold, and the cherry trees are in full bloom reluctantly, but the earth is still too cold to plant. The promise of 60 degree weather for a few days prompts the planter in me to get dirt under my fingernails once again. This weekend, we plant some veggies.

There is a deeper desire and burden however that presses to the surface of today. I want to plant the Word of God into the good soil of someone’s hungry heart. This season means newness and beauty springing up through chilly earth to shine in the warmth of the sun. To me though, the desire to see a soul walk in newness of life, springing up through their cold and hollow past into the loving glow of life with The Son means so much more!

As the dirt collects on my hands and the seeds are lovingly hidden in the warm soil, may my sensitivities remain keen as I listen for the creek of a door opening in the heart of a neighbor; a friendly wave that is more of a beckoning; a look and a word that signals readiness to learn and a hunger to find the Ancient of Days forever.

Moreover, may all of us step outside our own world long enough to be available to the hurting humans hungry for a relationship with Deity; and I pray He will lead and guide us into all truth as we reach out to help others find their way back to the Garden. Plant On, Christian worker, Plant On!


Marthalee is a writer, teacher, Grandma and friend. Any wisdom or insight shared on this blog or in her books is credited to Jesus and the life experience He allows. Do enjoy these humble offerings, and may your time on Earth be blessed and enriched. God is Love. Share it and Him at every open door.

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