Some Bible thots

Taken from 1 Samuel 23-26, today, a bit of application.

This passage displays a vivid picture of the character of King David as he forgoes twice a chance to kill his enemy. We also see his human weakness. During the unfolding of this tale that switches back and forth during the time David fled from Saul, we see the challenge of a man full of desire to please the Lord but also a prisoner of his own fury and folly.

I find it especially interesting that a woman, namely Abigail, was able to persuade David away from his rash folly back to the sterling character God saw in him years earlier while tending sheep. In a fury David sought to kill Nabal. Abigail interceded. Her motive was not so much to preserve the life of her ignorant husband as it was to preserve the reputation of a King.

Each Man of God tending today’s sheep, namely the Bride of Christ, who strive for sterling character and Christ-like behavior, can take a lesson from the wisdom of Abigail who risked all to protect the reputation of David. It is very important that every Man of God rely on the wisdom of the woman God has chosen for him.

None of us are perfect, yet, together, a man and his help-meet can do exploits and maintain a close relationship and a close resemblance to the character and person of Jesus Christ. With King David as an example, a man can recognize his own folly and fury and allow that to be counter balanced by the wisdom of a humble woman. This is, to my thinking, the reason God likened marriage to his relationship with The Church. We need each other to fulfil the purpose of God in the Earth.

Therefore, let us, as good saints of the Most High, exalt him in due season and strengthen one another in our called assignments. The warriors in our midst must purify themselves through fasting and study of the word of God with humble thanksgiving and carefulness. Our ‘Abigails’ must bathe each day in prayer and consecration to hear the leading of God and follow closely his directives for the preservation of reputations and family.

God will recompense.

I have expounded on this subject in the past, infact authored a book about some of it. Today, however, the urgency of it seems more pronounced. I watch men with huge dreams and plans defeated by one hasty word or even an eye roll or cast look from the most important person in their lives, the woman.

Ladies, please recognize your power and wield it with care. Our dear men, you see, have little boys inside desperate for the approval of their mommy. Oh, they don’t know that truth of course because they are all grown up now and treasure their ‘manhood.’ Yet the wise woman will know it and will realize that deep down THEY represent that primal need for feminine approval.

Act accordingly, my dears! Build your man up with joy and admiration. God will sort out the details. Just YOU get behind him and cheer him on to the victories in his dreams. Believe in him with all your heart and make sure your face shows it, and never complain (because they always take it as a personal failure.)

When your own wisdom calls for a course correction, pray for the right time, load your donkey (your kitchen) with sumptuous fare and approach the subject with grace and the leading of God. Like King David, your man will listen and honor your wisdom especially after some good soup and a hot shower.

Marthalee is a writer, teacher, Grandma and friend. Any wisdom or insight shared on this blog or in her books is credited to Jesus and the life experience He allows. Do enjoy these humble offerings, and may your time on Earth be blessed and enriched. God is Love. Share it and Him at every open door.

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