
Purposeful living! This is the challenge at any age. Really, one would think with age and maturity come focus and purposeful use of time. Afterall, mature people seldom procrastinate or stop short of task completion, right? How I wish that were true! Excuses abound it seems and perhaps as we ‘mature’ we simply allow more elaborate excuses and justifications for inactivity.

This may seem like a rambling stream of conscience writing, but now it will be clearer. Since my husband left for Glory, I have used the grief process as an excuse for inactivity on many levels. Even during the justification process in my head i knew i was using grief as the excuse to not write, not exercise, not study, etc.

Some days were a huge success because laundry was folded and dishes done. Yet, the weightier matters were pushed ahead to a more convenient time. (I think of Felix in Acts 24 who, though trembling, sent away the Apostle Paul until a ‘convenient season.’) Oh my, dear Jesus, never let me become like Felix or Agrippa!

Now, three years after his departure, I come face to face with a personal weakness. Procrastination! Therefore, in order to form a more perfect me, and in order to live ‘on purpose,’ steps will be ordered in God’s Word and prayer made daily for growth in this area of weakness.

The first step, taken today actually, is the completion of a much delinquent blog post on this website. So, here it is! And you, dear reader get to witness the turning of a page in the grief process as I move into a new level of success and obedience by writing these thoughts to you.

Thank you for reading this, and mention me from time to time in your prayers if you remember.

Marthalee is a writer, teacher, Grandma and friend. Any wisdom or insight shared on this blog or in her books is credited to Jesus and the life experience He allows. Do enjoy these humble offerings, and may your time on Earth be blessed and enriched. God is Love. Share it and Him at every open door.

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. God is so faithful to us! Your transparency is refreshing. Thank you. Excited to read more posts! Blessings to you as you overcome through Him!

  2. Thanks for writing again ML.
    Your friend Geno is A-okay. Finished two certificates at Saddleback College and heading for a third with a degree an Associate of Science attached to it. Married life good, Sustainable Home Gardens business doing well and my personal garden thriving.

    Love, Geno

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