Let’s Chat ~ Let’s Laugh

Hi there.
Such amazing times…and what a privilege to be alive to see all that God will do in these Great and Final Days.

It truly is my heart to post more often because there is hope and faith to share and positive ‘vibrations’ to generate. I once knew a person; his real name i think was Mike, but everyone just called him ‘Vibes.” No matter when or where you encountered this young man, he was positive, smiling and ready to lift the spirits of everyone. I want to live like that. I wanna be that guy (gal) so that others find strength and hope.

Laughter is so important, and the more spontaneous it is, the better. It is especially wonderful to laugh with children. They are so free and their laughter is infectious. Always watch for opportunities to get hysterical with a kid or two. Your soul will be blessed, I promise.

The Joy of the Lord, so says the B I B L E, is our STRENGTH. And since Jesus loves the little ones so much, laughter with them is indeed the Joy of the Lord. Besides, the little ones are so worried about their future and the craziness of the current climate in America. They have many unanswered questions, and don’t have the skills adults possess to make sense of it all.
So I reiterate: Laugh with them. Make it fun. Ease their stress and your own with moments of mirth.

I saw a funny thing yesterday. There was a dog whose favorite ball was removed and tossed outside. The expression on that dog’s face and his body language as he stared through the glass was so laughable! I could have stifled the hysteria were it not for the little one sitting beside me. As I quietly laughed at the dog, she saw the same thing and burst forth with genuine giggles. The mirth grew until i could not contain the laughter, and we shared several minutes of fun. I still can laugh at the memory of those shared moments.

Do it! Find some children you can encourage with your own good “Vibes.” Foster a merry heart and revel in the sound of happy kids. Life is heavy enough for all of us; so be that guy (gal) that carries a bucket of mercy and fun into every room.

God’s Got This, after all! We Win; so rejoice now for that Victory.

Marthalee is a writer, teacher, Grandma and friend. Any wisdom or insight shared on this blog or in her books is credited to Jesus and the life experience He allows. Do enjoy these humble offerings, and may your time on Earth be blessed and enriched. God is Love. Share it and Him at every open door.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Thank you for this inspiring word today.
    Oh how I need some joy and laughter!!!

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