It is Past Time

Hello faithful followers and new friends. I don’t post here often enough, and there is no reason or excuse. All we have is NOW, we certainly are not promised tomorrow…we have NOW and the responsibility to harness it for the love of humanity.

There is reference in the Bible to the ‘cup of iniquity.’  God has a cup, and it is filling fast. Since the moral compass of our society has disintegrated over the last several decades, that cup of evil has crept closer and closer to the brim. As it begins to spill over, restaurants close. Gatherings are forbidden. Business grinds to a halt, and the economy crashes…all within a two week period. And this is just the beginning of sorrows! So much more and so much more horrible things are determined…

This present trouble will pass. The markets will rebound (Lord willing) but let us pray the lessons we are learning in these great and final days remain in the forefront of our everyday life:  Love of family and friends; health for ourselves and those for whom we are responsible; a spirit of selfless giving and random acts of kindness, and a continued focus on the things that matter, the things that remain.

Your money wont go to heaven with you. Your cars, homes and vacations wont go to heaven with you. Only YOU and your children and your loved ones will go IF YOU and THEY CHOOSE TO. We all have free choice you know. God is a gentleman…he will not go where he is not wanted. If you truly want to be with Him forever, it is time to get on your knees and repent for all the wasted time…all the sinful behavior…all the greed and cheating…and all the faithless moments when you figured you could do all this on your own and had no need for a savior.

Friends, true and powerful revival is EXACTLY proportionate to the depth of our repentance. We have all failed and come short of his Glory. Each of us knows in our heart where we have let ourselves and our creator down…it is time to get REAL. Cut the games, stop the running and turn it over to Jesus.

And you will smile, for the rest of the day.

Marthalee is a writer, teacher, Grandma and friend. Any wisdom or insight shared on this blog or in her books is credited to Jesus and the life experience He allows. Do enjoy these humble offerings, and may your time on Earth be blessed and enriched. God is Love. Share it and Him at every open door.

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