“I Will Never Eat Sugar or Wheat Again”

There really are lots of other things to eat. Besides, at a certain point in life, one has to decide if living to eat or eating to live wins. Our food becomes such a habit. The foods we crave are also the ones we should shun; besides, some of the alternatives are truly more enjoyable. Take Snickers for example…best candy bar ever made in my opinion, but the insulin increase and the hit to the pancreas is damaging.

God gave us one physical temple to inhabit until he calls us home and we are instructed to not defile that temple and to present it as  a living sacrifice. Therefore, is it possible to replace the Snickers with homemade granola and a fruit smoothie? Very doable!

As for the Wheat…that is a hard one. That yummy bread smothered with butter is labeled ‘organic’ ‘non-gmo,’ etc. Surely it will be fine. Afterall, even Jesus broke the ‘bread’ and fed multitudes. In this age, however, other countries refuse our wheat because of the pesticides used in America.  This poison is carried on the wind and seeds intermingle. Since round-up made me a widow, avoiding this grain is a ‘no-grainer.’ *grin*

So, a new day, starting with lovely sunshine, homemade granola and a fruit smoothie marks the turning of a new leaf: a new page of life where food is chosen to glorify and live; old habits put aside, and determination becomes my reasonable service. Bon Appetit.

Marthalee is a writer, teacher, Grandma and friend. Any wisdom or insight shared on this blog or in her books is credited to Jesus and the life experience He allows. Do enjoy these humble offerings, and may your time on Earth be blessed and enriched. God is Love. Share it and Him at every open door.

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