Bring Me the Ephod
The Apostle Paul ‘boasts’ about his experiences giving Glory to God in 2Corinthians prefacing this with a criticism we need to receive. ‘You put up with it when someone enslaves you, takes everything you have, takes advantage of you, takes control of everything and slaps you in the face. I am ashamed to say we have been too weak…!’
‘Sheeple’ is the term used to describe those of us willing to lay our convictions aside in order to comply and ‘keep the peace.’ Israel did that time and time again all throughout the Old Testament. Instead of steadfast obedience and firm resolve to do what is right, they complied. In Psalm 106:34-39 we God’s chosen people fall into a depth of evil only demons know. Read this: Israel failed (to obey) and instead mingled among the pagans and adopted their evil customs (be careful little eyes what you see!) They worshiped idols (maybe spent too much time on their cell phones?) which led to their downfall. Then they even offered their sons and daughters to the demons. Read the last few verses in the NLT on your own…it grieves me to even type them out here; even though their content describes our very current condition.
The point is, there is a separation from the world that must grip each of us as this great story unfolds.
IF my people will…THEN I will hear from heaven and heal their land…we know that promise; yet will we call for the Ephod, so to speak and truly seek his guidance?
When David faced his Ziglag, he turned to the Ephod for guidance. Those he loved were gone and he turned to God who helped him recover all. Our Ephod is prayer. Our Ziglag is the grip of enticement in this present evil world. And our blessed assurance is found in our relationship with Jesus and consistency.
The days of Mark 13, Matthew 24, Luke 21 and the book of Revelation are coming to pass as we live. Discerning the time is essential for God’s PEOPLE to not become Sheeple. The very elect could be deceived unless the days of evil are shortened. God said that! Stand strong for truth and decency. Be Saints. Call for the Ephod in prayer and follow the leading of the Holy Ghost. Speak up when you see evil reaching for your loved ones and above all, love and protect the children. NEVER let them out of your sight and surround them in PRAYER every day which empowers their Angels.