As we navigate the road of life…

Dear Readers;

This journey we call life is moving faster than we expected, isn’t it? Daily our challenge is to rein in the galloping moments. Our focus on the eternal destination must be protected.

We will never forget Reverend Johnny King’s message at West Coast Conference: Sing Me One More Song About Heaven. That message drove home the truth: many of us have lost the focus on Heaven. Our worship songs no longer speak of the streets of gold or the Lamb as the Light. We do not focus on how everybody will be happy over there, or how they tell us of an unclouded day.

So, the tragic result is that the next generation are raised up know worship as the beat of a fast song instead of the depth of verse after verse of memorized lyrics about the glory land way. And we sleep as it happens.

I am writing this note so those who get it will search for the old hymnals and pull them out for their children and grandchildren. Let them learn to speak the words and sing the melody of the songs about our eternal home. Give them hope of the victory in Jesus of which we will one day partake. For, when the role is called up yonder and we are there, we will understand it all by and by. The children need this hope and the joy these lyrics impart.

Please do not let these great songs die with the baby-boomer generation of Christians nearing their reward. Soon and very soon we are going to see The King, and we want to see you all, young and younger, cross the mighty Jordan on that great homecoming day. We get what we think about. Energy follows thought. Let’s think and sing about heaven.

I love the modern songs, many of them are very edifying; it is the old paths, the ancient landmarks that we must look to, however if we are to preserve this great truth, and triumph in these great and final days.

Please, sing me one more song about heaven, and teach them to the children. We are running out of time. Look up.

Marthalee is a writer, teacher, Grandma and friend. Any wisdom or insight shared on this blog or in her books is credited to Jesus and the life experience He allows. Do enjoy these humble offerings, and may your time on Earth be blessed and enriched. God is Love. Share it and Him at every open door.

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