Ok, so i am sure you have been sitting on the edge of your seats waiting for this! What could possibly be the application of the Banty Hen Story? I have been pondering this for several days, weeks, even. After deliberation and various attempts at profundity, I have opted for the simple…here it is:
You may be tall, you may be short…you may be young or you may be aged…you may be an influencer or just common folk but no matter, we all face our giants in life. We can wallow in victimhood, or we can look problems right in the eye and be a warrior.
Though small in stature, Banty Hen was a warrior in heart and i loved that little creature as much as i have loved any pet before or since. The morning i found a possum sleeping in her spot and those beautiful speckled feathers scattered in the coop, was the last day i raised chickens.
Yet, the lessons she and her fellow feathered friends taught, live on as i remind myself and you readers to be warriors and fight for our victories every day! Walk in authority. If you know, you know.