Many months since an entry here. Perhaps no one cares…perhaps no one reads. Nevertheless, writers write, and blocked or not, this one must emerge once again.

He died December first. It was the beginning of another month and the day he would have read Proverbs 1. Steve Lyman was a very wise man, ” a prince of a man” as one friend penned. Proverbs by the day brought such depth of wisdom to him; if only I could have told him so more often. One really doesn’t accept this kind of a loss with clarity of mind and focused purpose. Human emotions drown out reason. Fear wins. Now 20/20 hindsight flashes big red letters …REGRETS, REGRETS, REGRETS.
These will be the fuel of anointing and hopefully the beacon of warning for younger, equally distracted wives who might listen to my stories and benefit thereby; as the Lord allows.

Love them while you can.

More to come, stay tuned, and please let me know if anyone out there reads this. Thank you.

Marthalee is a writer, teacher, Grandma and friend. Any wisdom or insight shared on this blog or in her books is credited to Jesus and the life experience He allows. Do enjoy these humble offerings, and may your time on Earth be blessed and enriched. God is Love. Share it and Him at every open door.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Hello! Just discovered your blog through Reflections magazine. I subscribed and I’m looking forward to reading your posts!

  2. Love you and your words….Hate what you have had to experience and the hole in your heart and your life it has left. It’s as a thief that has slipped in and stolen, knowing it’s your prized possession, but there is no explanation or apology. Only God knows why it must be this way. We can’t understand it or hear his reason, we just trust that He has a great wonderful plan….None the less, my heart hurts for you.

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