
The wind is asleep

Cottonwood snow lays drifted

Edges of grass white like winter

And the sky blinks blue

It will be hot today



The sky spans white

Wind whispers and ripples through

So small drops echo on the leaves

And bunnies hop in grass

It will be cool today



God will throw the day

But will we catch it?

Shh, listen to Him


I have a cat. Her name is Pippy, and she understands me. It is amazing how we communicate. For example, I give her food in the morning because it has been a long time since dinner. She may take a bite or two, but then patiently (sometimes not so patiently) she waits until I sit with mine. Once I have bowed in thanksgiving and begun to eat, Pippy hungrily joins me.

She awakes with the light so five am is her first attempt to rouse me. If I say, “No, Pippy, just a little more sleep,” she dutifully curls up at my feet and rests. She lets me know when she needs to run and play, and when she just needs comfort. She wonders at my loud prayer and comes to me when I cry.

Now the term ‘comfort animal’ makes total sense. Soon it will be half a year since my life mate left for Glory. Six long months of tears and sorrow and many more to follow they tell me. But I have a cat!

Funny how grief and hope coexist. My Pastor shared this concept with me and pondering this odd coupling of emotions gives me strength. With Jesus beside me, grief and hope do coexist. When God says ‘no’ and healing does not come, the wicked one does. Doubts and fears and giant ‘WHYs’ plague my mind. When God says ‘no’ and walking by faith is all I have, His Word fights for me and hope grows like a budding flower in my heart.

My hope flower needs water and fertilizer and tender care for it is fragile and easily wilted. Time in His Word nourishes. Time in prayer waters. Hope grows and the joy of sharing God with others returns. Grief always lurks behind every tree in my garden of life ready to leap out as a smell, a picture, a song, a thought or a thousand memories flood my moment. So, I let it leap on me and I steal away and weep knowing hope will be there when I return, diffusing its fragrance once again.

God is the same, yesterday, today and forever. Every day is a poem if we take the time to catch it; and besides, I have a cat!

Marthalee is a writer, teacher, Grandma and friend. Any wisdom or insight shared on this blog or in her books is credited to Jesus and the life experience He allows. Do enjoy these humble offerings, and may your time on Earth be blessed and enriched. God is Love. Share it and Him at every open door.

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