Role of the Shepherdess by Roffie Ensey is a manual for Ministers’ Wives.
it can be ordered from Advance Ministries.
I’ve dreamed many dreams that never came true
Iv’e seen them vanish at dawn,
But I’ve realized enough of my dreams,
Thank the Lord, to make me want to dream on.
I’ve prayed many prayers when no answers came,
though I’ve waited patient and long,
But answers have come to enough of my prayers
To make me keep praying on.
I’ve sown many seeds that have fallen by the way,
For the birds to feed upon,
But I’ve held enough golden sheaves in my hand,
To make me keep sowing on.
– Roffie Ensey
Let your spirit soar to new heights as you study, and thank the Lord for this incredible wisdom handed down to you from a woman who has lived it.
The Role of the Shepherdess is truly a treasure for women in leadership, and it is our prayer and hope that this treasure will be cherished, read and reread, studies and restudied for many years.
May our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, bless your efforts, and keep you sound in faith as you serve him with gladness.
-Marthalee Lyman
This workbook and answer key are now available directly from Roffie Ensey.