Greetings this fine October morning! It has been way too long since I posted. There is a concept I will develop as time allows. There are only two days that matter! This day, and that day. Today and the day Jesus shouts and the trumpet sounds. Only those two days matter at all!
Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof…that’s what the Word says…Now is the accepted time, today is the day of salvation…it says that as well.
All through the Bible God points us to the present! Now faith…Today if you will hear his voice…Give us this day, our daily bread…over and over when we really read His Word, we see his will for us is to live in the present moment. Make the best of our NOW, and let the past go and the future rest in his care.
We must be ready for the trumpet and we stay ready by using each and every ‘today’ to its fullest potential. What can I do this day to fulfill the present command? How can I best use this day to further the Kingdom of God? Start with prayer, proceed with gratitude, walk in love.
Hey, we can do anything when we know there is a close to it. In 24 hours there will be another day (maybe) that I will need to fill with His will for my life, so today, just do it! Be ready and listen for the trumpet, stay prayed through and forgiving others with all our hearts, and treasure each breath.
One way to apply this principle is to focus on the items within your field of vision and mentally name them. Really, give it a try. This practice pulls you right out of the mental gymnastics of what should have been and what it this and that happens. Listen, name the sounds you hear. Focusing on the exact items and events in each moment brings a peace and an acceptance of self and others that really opens us up to the Spirit of God and His leading. Try it. Happy Today!